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New NorESM Movie Released

New NorESM Movie Released!

  • INES 

The coordinator of the RCN infrastructure project INES, Mats Bentsen, has together with researchers, people from the communication dept. at NORCE and Screen Story, made a movie about our Norwegian Earth system model, NorESM. NorESM… Read More »New NorESM Movie Released!



  • INES 

Are you interested in the most recent NorESM updates?

INES annual meeting 2021

INES annual meeting 2021

  • INES 

The INES annual meeting 2021 was held 17th– 19th Novemberin Oslo. This year we were allowed to meet physically and 33 participants spent the three days together. We also provided the opportunity to attend the meeting… Read More »INES annual meeting 2021

NorESM2.0.4 released image

NorESM2.0.4 released

  • INES 

In this release, notable changes compared to previous NorESM2.0.x releases are support for running on the Sigma2 machine Betzy, modified settings for running on the Sigma2 machine Fram and automatic archiving of case folders. In addition, the code of the ocean component… Read More »NorESM2.0.4 released