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CMIP publication database

  • INES 

We would like to announce a relaunch of the CMIP publication database service, which some of you may remember from CMIP5 and AR5. The service has been overhauled considerably to facilitate easy publication registration. Most of the required publication information can now be automatically recorded by simply entering a DOI. The database is accessible at Before entering your publication’s DOI into the database you will have to register but this is easy; just follow the login directions. The aim of the database is to provide a full accounting of research based, at least in part, on the CMIP multi-model archives. We hope all contributions get registered, from forcing datasets that have underpinned the CMIP6 simulations, to the model and simulation documentation, through to analysis of these combined datasets. It aims to serve as a one-stop-shop for climate researchers exploring the breadth of CMIP-based climate research being undertaken, and it will assist modeling groups and data providers in gauging the scientific impact of their work in delivering CMIP6 to the community. To date, you will find 1223 registered publications, with some focused on CMIP6, but most on CMIP5 analysis. To help us plan for future CMIP phases, we include optional entries that document what experiments, models, and variables you have analyzed in your publication. Your help in compiling this information would be much appreciated, but the most important thing is to make sure your paper is registered in the publication database. 

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