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INES annual meeting 2021

  • INES 

The INES annual meeting 2021 was held 17th– 19th Novemberin Oslo. This year we were allowed to meet physically and 33 participants spent the three days together. We also provided the opportunity to attend the meeting virtually on Zoom. This allowed us to connect remotely with two of our advisory board members and have invited talks from them. Mariana Vertenstein from UCAR/NCAR gave a talk titled “CESM Status and Current Infrastructure Efforts“ and Ralf Döscher form SMIH in Sweden gave a talk titled “Developments at SMHI/Rossby Centre on climate modelling from global to km scale”. We also had invited talks from Fanny Adloff, Univ. of Reading, talking about the importance of a sustained research infrastructure and finally Gunnar Bøe and Maria Francesca Iozzi who presented the UNINETT Sigma2 status and roadmap, which INES and NorESM relies heavily on.

Nevertheless, time-wise the biggest part of the annual meeting was dedicated to work package sessions where leaders and participants presented their work. The presentations were very interesting and led to fruitful discussions regarding NorESM and the INES project. In the discussions, a particular emphasis was on the specification of NorESM versions that INES should contribute to release towards the end of the project’s RCN support in summer 2022.

As we have had earlier years, a NorESM user workshop were held back-to-back with the INES annual meeting and this was the case this year as well. Thanks to Yanchun He and supporting participants from NORCE, MET, UiB and UiO this was a success also this year. 

INES annual meeting 2021