NorESM user workshop and INES annual meeting in Oslo 16-19 November 2021.
As we did in 2019, we plan to organize a NorESM user workshop and the INES annual meeting back-to-back. This year the venue for the meeting will be a hotel in Oslo. In 2019 most of the participants at the workshop were from UiB and Norce, but this year it will be easier for NorESM users at UiO or other institutions in the Oslo area to join. The workshop is open for everyone.
In the tentative planning of the meeting, we discussed to have the normal overview of the activities in the work packages and also do some planning for the remaining months of the project. If the members of the scientific advisory board are able and have time to come, we hope to get a contribution from them and include this in the program. This will be of great value for us all.