In this release, notable changes compared to previous NorESM2.0.x releases are support for running on the Sigma2 machine Betzy, modified settings for running on the Sigma2 machine Fram and automatic archiving of case folders. In addition, the code of the ocean component BLOM has been significantly restructured and modernized, although still reproducing results of when BLOM is activated in NorESM2 CMIP6 experiments. BLOM has now better support for higher resolution grids and configurations have been added for a tripolar nominal 1/8° resolution grid (the image shows a snapshot of sea surface temperature from a coupled NorESM2 simulations using the new 1/8° ocean grid).
On machine Fram, the new release gives bit-identical results with NorESM2 CMIP6 preindustrial control (f19_tn14 grids). For more details about the release, please see:
Many thanks to all who contributed to this release!”